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Galena Girth & Surcingle Cover

Size: 15x60cm (S)

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The Galena Girth Surcingle Cover includes Welltex® technology and has pressure-distributing properties. This girth and surcingle padded cover is anatomically shaped to lie firm and still. Three layers of filling distribute pressure and give the horse extra support and comfort.

The fabric closest to the horse has a moisture-absorbing ability and is quilted in small squares for extra stability and durability.

Recommended to use with our Dressage Elastic Girth or Dressage Fixed Girth.

  • Welltex® technology
  • Pressure-distributing and shock absorbing
  • Moisture-absorbing materials
  • Steady and stable
  • Fastened with hook and loop closure.
Material Specification

Material 1: 100% Polyurethane
Material 2: 100% Polyester Material 3: 100% Cotton
Filling 1: 100% SBR foam
Filling 2: 100% Polyester
Lining: 100% Polypropylene, with Welltex® technology.

Care and Washing Instructions