An introduction to Back on Track’s Textile Technologies

Who is Back on Track?
Back on Track is a Swedish company committed to improving health and well-being through innovative textile technologies for the benefit of people, pets, and horses.
We offer a wide range of therapeutic products to assist with preparation, performance, and recovery.
Designed and developed in Sweden and sold in the United States through Back on Track BOT LLC.
Each product is the result of a balanced and well thought out combination of:
- Our unique textile technologies
- High performance functional fabrics
- Anatomically conscious design

It’s the inside that matters.
What makes Back on Track products unique is the fusion of a textile technology with a perfectly adapted functional fabric. This makes the materials in our products active and infuses them with the "Back on Track Effect".
This means that the materials used in our products have the capacity to absorb and emit far infrared energy (FIR) harnessed from the wearers own body heat.
FIR is constantly emitted from every living human and animal. This form of energy is invisible to the naked eye but can be perceived with the help of a thermal camera and used for such things as night vision and heat detection.

The effect of FIR on the body.
The beneficial, therapeutic effect occurs when the incorporated minerals absorb and emit body heat in the form of far infrared energy (FIR).
FIR helps stimulate blood flow and improve circulation, thereby supporting the body's own healing processes.
When FIR is sent back to the body, it penetrates the skin and exerts its action deep in the tissues. The effect varies from person to person, but many experience a sense of relief from problems affecting joints, tendons and muscles.
Back on Track was first founded in order to help people suffering from stiff and aching joints or muscles. Since then, the product range has been greatly expanded and the technologies adapted to various kinds of materials and to a multitude of new-found uses.

What is a textile technology?
The knowledge about mineral infused fabrics, their properties and uses, has its origin in China, where it is part of an ancient tradition.
Modern science has since been able to identify several reasons behind the beneficial effects; all related to FIR and its influence on tissues and circulation.
The tangible part of a textile technology consists of the actual minerals, their different combinations and degrees of grinding – fine or coarse.
A textile technology also includes the high-temperature process that permanently fuses the minerals into the treads of the fabric of choice.

The different roles of technology, functional fabric and design.
The minerals are responsible for the effect of infrared energy. The minerals do not retain heat, make clothes warm or provide insulation. Such properties would depend solely on the fabric.
Our functional fabrics are chosen depending on the desired properties of the end product, such as breathability, stretchiness, elasticity, warmth, softness, moisture wicking ability, durability, thickness and stability.
The design gives additional properties to the product, such as shape, anatomical fit and comfort for the wearer. The design may also include stabilizing elements such as braces, rubber, plastic, webbing and hook and loop straps.

Our first and most well-known textile technology,
and the original since year 2000
Functional materials: Resistant, sturdy, durable, high breathability
Typical area of application:
Rehab products; therapeutic support and protection, horse rugs and dog coats, saddle pads, horse boots, clothing.

Further development of the textile technology behind Welltex
- for new applications
Functional materials:
Thinner, more elastic, higher breathability,
quick-drying, moisture-wicking, supple
Typical area of application:

A textile technology specifically adapted to breeches
Functional materials: Elastic but firm, feeling of compression, very high breathability, temperature regulating, holds its shape, provides light support in the saddle
Area of application: