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Welltex Technology by Back on Track


By combining modern textile technology with traditional Chinese medicine, supported by scientific studies, Back on Track creates products that help people, pets, and horses achieve a more active and comfortable life.

Welltex technology is a state-of-the-art textile technology found exclusively in Back on Track products. This technology uses a proprietary ceramic and mineral solution that reflects body heat as long-wave radiation, also known as far infrared radiation.

Research shows far infrared radiation has multiple benefits for humans and animals, and studies demonstrate wearing Back on Track products can produce these positive effects.

Keep reading to learn more about the science behind Welltex, far infrared radiation, textile technologies, and the research supporting Back on Track products.

Body Heat and Energy Transfer

People and animals emit body heat, both at rest and during activity. Heat is a form of energy that can be transported in three ways: conduction, convection, or radiation.


Conduction is the direct transfer of heat or energy between adjoining regions. Heat in a material spreads from one part to another. For example, a pot of water boils when heat transfers from the flame to the pot and the pot to the water.


Convection is the loss of heat when a heated liquid or gas is displaced, carrying the heat with it. Insulating clothing materials such as cotton, wool, and neoprene are designed to prevent convection and thus retain body heat in the air outside the skin.


Radiation occurs when a source emits energy as electromagnetic waves that collide with another surface and heat it. The distance between these waves determines the wavelength of radiation.

All people and animals emit thermal radiation. Back on Track’s products work with this radiant warmth. Materials that don't depend on heat trapped through insulation maintain breathability while harnessing body energy.

Textile Technology

Textile technology uses scientific principles to design, produce, and apply materials for specific purposes. Engineers select the materials used in textile technologies based on their chemical and physical properties, which create the desired effect in the final product.

One important aspect of textile technology is how materials interact with radiation waves. Materials can transmit, reflect, or absorb radiant warmth. Different materials have a unique absorption and emission spectrum depending on the wavelength of the radiation.


Radiation waves can pass straight through the material, which is called transmittance. An example is when the sun’s heat rays hit a glass plate. The majority of the heat radiation passes through the glass. You would feel this effect if you were to stand in a room with the sun shining through the window.


Some materials reflect radiant heat. Radiation waves bounce off the surface of the material and are reflected away. If all the heat is reflected, the material will not be heated as none of the rays radiate through it. However, no materials reflect all heat, only specific wavelengths.


The material can also absorb heat radiant waves. Absorption transforms radiation into another type of energy, usually heat. Absorbing radiation increases the material's heat content.

Materials absorb different amounts of heat radiation depending on the wavelength of the radiation. This is called the material’s absorption spectrum.


An emission spectrum is the spectrum of wavelengths emitted by a material. Different materials radiate heat of various wavelengths at different temperatures.

The amount of radiation and the wavelength of the radiation varies depending on the heat source temperature and the emission spectrum of the heat source materials.

How Welltex Technology Works

Welltex is a textile technology by Back on Track that reflects radiant body heat as far infrared radiation. The technology uses the reflective properties and emission spectrum of ceramic particles in a proprietary solution found exclusively in Back on Track products.

Far Infrared Radiation

Radiation has different wavelengths depending on the temperature and source. The wavelength is the distance between individual radiation waves. Radiant heat is usually within the range of infrared radiation, which includes electromagnetic wavelengths between 760 nm and 1 mm.

Infrared radiation has a longer wavelength than visible light. Far infrared radiation (FIR) is the longest wavelength on the infrared spectrum. This type of radiation effectively transfers energy because many materials absorb far infrared radiation. [1]

Ceramic Textiles

Modern science revealed the ancient Chinese practice of using marble on sore muscles relieved pain because ceramics contain minerals that emit far infrared radiation at specific temperatures. When ceramic particles absorb the body’s heat, they reflect that energy as far infrared radiation.[1]

Ceramic particles are fused into the fibers of textiles used to make Back on Track products. However, not all ceramic products emit the same amount of far infrared radiation.

What Makes Welltex Different

Welltex is a state-of-the-art technology that uses a proprietary ceramic and mineral solution to create the strongest far infrared radiation effect. The ceramic particles and minerals used in Welltex fabrics are selected based on their absorption and emission spectrum.

The most significant effects from far infrared radiation result from textile technologies with the highest emissivity value, which measures an object's ability to emit infrared energy as radiation.

Haematex and Iontex

Haematex and Iontex are versions of Welltex technology optimized for certain activities. Iontex offers flexibility, while Haematex provides high elasticity and light support.

Benefits of Far Infrared Radiation

Research shows far infrared radiation can benefit animals and people due to several physiological effects. Like other materials, the body’s tissues have their own absorption spectrum. Far infrared radiation can penetrate body tissues more deeply than other wavelengths.[2]

Increased Circulation

Studies show exposure to far infrared radiation increases nitric oxide levels in body tissues. Nitric oxide is a critical chemical messenger in the body. Increased nitric oxide causes vasodilation, which widens blood vessels and increases blood flow.[2]

Healthy circulation is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body. These effects support recovery and healing while reducing inflammation and pain.

Injury Prevention

In addition to increasing circulation, nitric oxide can activate other molecules in the body that aid muscle relaxation. Relaxation reduces muscle fatigue, while tight muscles can contribute to injuries caused by imbalances and increased strain.[2]

Reduced Recovery Time

Some studies linked far infrared radiation to increased rates of healing due to bio-stimulation. Researchers in the studies found that exposure to FIR increased several biological processes involved in healing injuries, including growth factor production and collagen synthesis.[3]

Welltex Technology Scientific Studies

The science behind Welltex technology is based on a solid foundation of research on far infrared radiation. However, Back on Track products have also been featured in several scientific studies demonstrating effectiveness of Welltex.

Dissertation: The Effect Back on Track Rugs on Equine Locomotion

One experiment involving 44 horses found wearing Back on Track blankets over four weeks significantly improved equine locomotion. The results suggest Back on Track horse blankets are effective and support the benefits of far infrared radiation for horses.

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Clinical Study: Back on Track Braces

A clinical study of 120 patients with pain caused by knee arthritis or tennis elbow evaluated the effect of using Back on Track braces over three weeks on pain levels. More than half the study subjects reported having less pain while using the braces.

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Veterinary Study: Equine Case Studies

Veterinarians used thermographic images and tissue activity counts in equine patients to quantify the effects of Back on Track products on circulation. Results showed significant increases in circulation and reductions in inflammation in the legs and backs of horses after wearing Back on Track products.

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Riding School Study: Horses with Back Problems

A Swedish study of ten horses with existing back problems found wearing Back on Track back warmers for three weeks improved the trot gait in 80% of the horses and the canter gait in 70%.

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How To Use Welltex Technology

The benefits of far infrared radiation and Welltex technology can help support overall wellness in all people, pets, and horses.

Introduce Welltex products gradually to accustom the body to their effects. After the introductory period, you can use Welltex products for extended periods for maximum benefit.

Since the Welltex particles are melted into the threads of Back on Track products, they can never wash out. Many products are still going strong after daily use for over ten years. To ensure the products will stay effective, simply follow washing and drying instructions, as excessive heat can damage the fibers.

If you have been using our products for an extended period and don’t see the same results you saw initially, simply take a break for a couple of weeks and try again. After taking a break, you will most likely see that difference again.

Learn more about using Back on Track in our Usage Advice and discover the answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQs. If you want to read more about Back on Track products, check out the resources on our blog.

If you have any other questions about our technology or products, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be happy to help.


  1. Liang, J. et al. Performance and application of far infrared rays emitted from rare earth mineral composite materials. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2008.
  2. Vatansever, F. et al. Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications. Photonics Lasers Med. 2013.
  3. Hsu, Y. et al. Detecting the limits of the biological effects of far-infrared radiation on epithelial cells. Scientif Rep. 2019.
  4. Ogita, S. et al. Effects of far-infrared radiation on lactation. Ann Physiol Anthropol. 1990.
  5. Inoue, E. et al. Biological activities caused by far-infrared radiation. Int J Biometeorol. 1989.
  6. NASA. NASA Space Technology Shines Light On Healing. Science Daily. 2000.
  7. Kobu, Y. Effects of infrared radiation on intraosseous blood flow and oxygen tension in the rat tibia. Kobe J Med Sci. 1999.
  8. Arnall, D. et al. The restorative effects of pulsed infrared light therapy on significant loss of peripheral protective sensation in patients with long-term type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Acta Diabetol. 2006.
  9. Toyokawa, H. et al. Promotive effects of far-infrared ray on full-thickness skin wound healing in rats. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2003.
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