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How IEA Helped Hannah Howard Succeed in the Hunter Ring

How IEA Helped Hannah Howard Succeed in the Hunter Ring

Young rider Hannah Howard has come a long way in a short time. After growing up with an intense weekly schedule of several sports and activities, Hannah found horses and never looked back.

Her first horse was a 22-year-old Thoroughbred mare with the personality of a firecracker. Learning to ride such a challenging horse at 13 started her journey toward becoming the remarkable horsewoman she is today. But that's not the only secret to her success.

Keep reading to learn how a strong barn community and the IEA helped Back on Track Ambassador Hannah Howard deepen her love for her horses and how Back on Track helps her perform at her best.

Joining IEA

Hannah started her riding career at a hunter/jumper barn, where her trainer introduced her to IEA.

The Interscholastic Equestrian Association is a non-profit organization that provides educational and competitive opportunities for middle and high school students in grades 4 to 12. IEA competitions allow young riders without horses to compete on teams.

Hannah's trainer created a small team with her young students and riders from another barn to compete in hunt seat equitation events. Hannah competed in the cross-rail division during her first two years of high school and the 2' division during her last two years.

"IEA was super beneficial to all of us, especially the kids that can't lease anything," Hannah said.

Despite their humble beginnings, Hannah's team went on to make it to regionals every year while she was in High School, with several girls making it to nationals.

The competition format of IEA events is unique. "You essentially draw a horse out of a hat. They pick the horse, and you don't know who you're riding until right before you go."

Competing on a new horse at every show significantly impacted Hannah's riding. "IEA impacted me the most by teaching me how to ride the horse you have. You don't have time to learn the horse. You just go in the ring and figure it out."

Beyond riding, IEA also helped Hannah build close relationships with other young riders who shared her passion.

Hannah now encourages every young rider to participate in IEA. "My advice to other young riders interested in IEA is to enjoy your team. When everybody's supportive of each other, it's just a good overall experience."

Two Special Horses

The riding skills Hannah learned from IEA now help her develop her own equine partners.

IEA taught Hannah to be patient with her horses and not overthink anything. "My experience with IEA has been really helpful because both of my horses can be a little hard to ride sometimes, so I have to remind myself just to ride what I have that day."

Hannah currently owns two very special but very different horses. Four years ago, her family bought a mare named Secret, who hadn't been ridden in nearly a year.

"She ended up being too much horse for me at the time, but now she's doing well and coming back better than ever. Secret is almost too smart for her own good because she often thinks she knows better than you."

Her current competition horse is Cruiser, a gelding with a limited amount of show miles.

"Cruiser has the typical goofy gelding personality. He's very cuddly and in your pocket. But he's also super smart. He learned how to smile in one week. That's now his favorite thing to do."

Cruiser struggled to get around a jump course when they first started showing together. Today, they're working on lead changes and moving up to the 3' ring. One of the keys to their progress?

"Flatwork," Hannah shared. "I love flatwork at home. I enjoy it because it makes my horse more supple and easier to go over fences. When Cruiser goes nicer on the flat, he goes nicer over fences. Same with Secret. She used to run at jumps with her head in the air, but she's much quieter now that we worked on flatwork."

Why Hannah Uses Back on Track

Hannah discovered Back on Track after leasing a horse who wore Back on Track Quick Wraps at shows to prevent stocking up.

"I really liked the ease of the Quick Wraps and started looking more into the Welltex technology in Back on Track products."

When an out-of-shape Cruiser first came to Hannah, the gelding struggled with back soreness after rides. She needed to find a way to ease the soreness as he developed strength and learned to use his body better.

"I remembered Back on Track and purchased the Mesh Sheet for him to use before and after rides. He started feeling so good I also purchased Hock Boots, Quick Wraps, and Saddle Pads for him."

While Cruiser now has an entire wardrobe of Back on Track products, the Mesh Sheet is still her favorite product.

"The Mesh Sheet has really helped him with his back soreness before and after rides. It helps loosen up his muscles and helps with recovery, especially after jumping. I can tell because the day after, he's not sore anymore, he feels great, he's relaxed, and he's not tense."

The Back on Track Quick Wraps and Hock Boots are essentials in Hannah's show trunk.

"I use the Quick Wraps and Hock Boots at shows because he's used to 24/7 turnout and would get stocked up in the stall at shows. It helps him stay comfortable at a show for a weekend or week without turnout. When I pull him out of his stall, he's not stiff and feels way better after wearing his Back on Track."

Hannah lives in Florida, so heat and humidity are a consistent concern for her horses. She loves the Back on Track Saddle Pads for their design and breathability.

The horses and Hannah aren't the only fans of Back on Track in her barn.

"I have three cats. They love the Back on Track mat. The older two always steal it from me. After a long day of riding, I'll sit on it, get up to grab something, and one of them will be laying on it when I come back."

Hannah now recommends Back on Track for everyone. "I would recommend Back on Track for just about everything because that's pretty much what I use it for."

What's Next for Hannah?

Hannah has a busy show schedule with Cruiser and hopes to go to Wellington for the winter Season. She also has high hopes for the future with Secret, who is spending the year at home getting more consistent on the flat and over fences.

"I really do love showing. I used to get stressed at shows until I took a step back and realized this was supposed to be fun. But I also love training and working with the horses at home."

Hannah is currently taking virtual college courses while she focuses on her horses. When she transfers to university, she hopes to join an Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Team.

"IHSA is the college version of IEA. I'm looking forward to having friends to ride and bond with more when I join IHSA and be part of that team environment again."

Until then, Hannah is grateful to have the support of her family and friends at her current barn as she continues to prioritize enjoying her sport and caring for the horses she loves.

Follow Hannah on Instagram @lunatic_fringe_eq

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